Thursday, March 17, 2011

Teriyaki Sauce

**Note: The sauce can be kept in the refrigerator for one week.** **Another Note: The sauce is a little bit on the strong side. If you dab your finger in it to take a taste, don't be alarmed. It's perfect when add to rice or vegetables or chicken. ** 1 1/2 C cold water 3/4 C packed brown sugar 1/2 C soy sauce 1 t garlic powder (or granulated garlic) 3 T corn starch 1 t sesame oil Pour your cold water into a medium sized mixing bowl. Add your soy sauce. Add the packed brown sugar. Pour in your tasty garlic powder. Now the corn starch. Whisk it up. Whisk it until all that cornstarch is nice and dissolved. We don't want any clumps now. Add the sesame oil and stir. Your oil will rise to the top, no worries. Once it gets heated through it will incorporate nicely. Pour it into a large skillet. Whisk it continually over medium high heat. The color will change and darken as the sauce begins to thicken. It really will get all bubbly, and dark, and rich flavored, and saucy and wonderful. Once it has thickened, take it off the heat. Review: This is my new favorite teriyaki sauce, its really good. I added a bit more sugar and some salt but I would taste it before adding salt because the soy sauce may be saltier than the one I used. Recipe from Jamie Cooks It Up

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